2023 in review

IN 2023, we hit the ground running with boundless energy and determination! Last year marked the inception of our charity, which aimed to provide gently used and new running shoes to young athletes and students in Zambia. Our inspiration? None other than our track coach, friend, mentor, and former Olympian, Prince Mumba.

For years, Prince informally collected shoe donations to bring back to Zambia during his annual trips. He consistently shared photos, videos, and heartfelt thank-you notes from the recipients, inspiring us all.

In 2023, our board took the initiative to establish The Prince Africa Foundation with the aim of extending assistance to more children in Zambia. Our junior board members set up donation drives at their respective schools.  This Past December, Prince delivered 300 pairs of gently used shoes to children at four different orphanages, who received them with immense joy and gratitude.

This marks just the beginning of our journey! We extend heartfelt thanks to everyone who lent their support and enthusiasm to our inaugural fundraiser. Their heartwarming reactions have fueled our determination to aim higher in 2024—we aim to send 1000 pairs of shoes in a cargo container this year! Together, we've laid a solid foundation for even greater endeavors ahead.

To achieve this ambitious goal, we are reaching out to everyone in our circle, asking for donations of gently used running shoes or contributions to cover the shipping expenses.

We express our gratitude in advance for your continued support.

Warm regards,

The P.A.T.F. Team